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Cisco rtmt windows 10- Cisco rtmt windows 10
To continue the installation, install the version in a different folder. Tip When you use RTMT, it saves user preferences and the module jar files the cache locally on the client machine.
When you uninstall RTMT, you choose whether to delete or save the cache. Step 1 After you install the plug-in, perform one of the following tasks:. Step 3 In the User Name field, enter the Administrator username for the application. Step 4 In the Password field, enter the Administrator user password that you established for the username. Note If the authentication fails or if the server is unreachable, the tool prompts you to reenter the server and authentication details, or you can click the Cancel button to exit the application.
After the authentication succeeds, RTMT launches the monitoring module from local cache or from a remote server, when the local cache does not contain a monitoring module that matches the backend version.
Step 5 Enter the port that the application will use to listen to the server. The default setting equals Step 6 Check the Secure Connection check box. Step 7 Click OK. Step 8 When prompted, add the certificate store by clicking Yes.
The tab contains groups of icons on which you can click the monitor various objects. You can use RTMT to connect to a server. After you log in, RTMT launches the monitoring module from the local cache or from a remote server when the local cache does not contain a monitoring module that matches the backend version. RTMT includes a default configuration that is called Default.
The first time that you use RTMT, it uses the Default profile and displays the system summary page in the monitor pane.
You can configure RTMT to display the information that interests you, such as different performance counters for different features, in the monitor pane of RTMT and save the framework of your configuration in a profile. You can then restore the profile at a later time during the same session or the next time that you log in to RTMT.
By creating multiple profiles, so each profile displays unique information, you can quickly display different information by switching profiles. The first time that you use RTMT, it will use the Default profile and display the system summary page in the monitor pane. With RTMT, you can customize your monitoring window by monitoring different performance counters, then create your own configuration profiles, so you can restore these monitoring windows in a single step rather than opening each window again.
Step 2 Click Save. Step 3 In the Configuration name field, enter a name for this particular configuration profile. Step 4 In the Configuration description field, enter a description of this particular configuration profile. Note You can enter whatever you want for the configuration profile name and description. Step 2 Click the profile that you want to restore. Step 3 Click Restore. Step 2 Click the profile that you want to delete.
Step 3 Click Delete. Step 4 Click Close. Categories allow you to organize objects in RTMT, such as performance monitoring counters. For example, the default category under performance monitoring, RTMT allows you to monitor six performance monitoring counters in graph format. If you want to monitor more counters, you can configure a new category and display the data in table format. Step 1 Perform one of the following tasks:. Step 3 Enter the name of the category; click OK.
Step 2 Enter the new name and click OK. Download this chapter. RTMT saves user preferences and downloaded module jar files locally on the client machine. The system saves user-created profiles in the database, so you can access these items in Unified RTMT after you upgrade the tool.
Before you upgrade to a newer version of RTMT, Cisco recommends that you uninstall the previous version. Perform one of the following actions:. Download the installation file to your preferred location. Locate and run the installation file. Because you cannot change the installation location for upgrades, click Next. In the Maintenance Complete window, click Finish. For single sign-on in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
This is because the TLS versions through 1. If you have a Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8. Please allow some time for the application to load and relaunch it if you choose to synchronize the time zone. In the Host IP Address field, enter either the IP address or hostname of the node or if applicable the node in a cluster.
Click OK. In the User Name field, enter the Administrator username for the application. In the Password field, enter the Administrator user password that you established for the username. If the authentication fails or if the node is unreachable, the tool prompts you to reenter the node and authentication details, or you can click the Cancel button to exit the application. After the authentication succeeds, Unified RTMT launches the monitoring module from local cache or from a remote node, when the local cache does not contain a monitoring module that matches the back-end version.
When prompted, add the certificate store by clicking Yes. If you sign in using the single sign-on feature, Unified RTMT prompts once for a username and password after you click any one of the following menus:. Analysis Manager. After this happens, you must manually restart the program as an administrator.
A single copy of Unified RTMT that is installed on your computer lets you monitor more than one server or more than one cluster at a time. For example, you can monitor all of the following entities:. An IM and Presence Service on one node. A node on a cluster to monitor the health of the cluster. To monitor a product on a different node, you must use a new instance of Unified RTMT that is installed.
Multiple copies of Unified RTMT that are installed on your computer let you simultaneously monitor multiple IM and Presence Services that are installed on different nodes. Because installing another copy of Unified RTMT overwrites the shortcut icon, you should complete the following tasks:.
Create another icon by creating a shortcut to jrtmt. If the installation detects another version in the selected folder, a message displays. To continue the installation, install the version in a different folder. Menu bar : the menu bar includes some or all of the following options, depending on your configuration:. You can use the Cisco Unified Reporting application to snapshot cluster data for inspection or troubleshooting.
Allows you to monitor system summary, monitor server resources, work with performance counters, work with alerts, collect traces, and view syslog messages. Allows you to view Unified Communications Manager summary information on the server; monitor call-processing information; and view and search for devices, monitor services, and CTI. Allows you monitor server and network activity of the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server.
Allows you to configure categories for table format view , set the polling rate for devices and performance monitoring counters, hide the quick launch channel, and edit the trace setting for RTMT. Depending on your configuration, allows you to browse the applicable web pages for administration interfaces, Cisco Unified Serviceability , and Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability. Quick Launch channel : Pane that displays information about the server or information about the applications.
The tab contains groups of icons that you can click to monitor various objects. Monitor pane : Pane where monitoring results are displayed.
The counters contain simple, useful information about the system and devices on the system, such as number of registered phones, number of active calls, number of available conference bridge resources, and voice messaging port usage. You can monitor the performance of the components of the system and the components for the application on the system by choosing the counters for any object by using the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool.
The counters for each object display when the folder expands. RTMT integrates with existing software for performance monitoring:. RTMT provides alert notifications for troubleshooting performance. It also periodically polls performance counter to display data for that counter. You can choose to display perfmon counters in a chart or table format.
Performance monitoring allows you to perform the following tasks:. Continuously monitor a set of preconfigured objects and receive notification in the form of an email message. Associate counter threshold settings to alert notification. An email or popup message provides notification to the administrator. Save and restore settings, such as counters that are being monitored, threshold settings, and alert notifications, for customized troubleshooting tasks. The Real-Time Monitoring Tool provides a set of default monitoring objects that help you to monitor the health of the system.
Default objects include performance counters or critical event status for the system and other supported services. The system summary in Unified RTMT allows you to monitor important common information in a single monitoring pane.
In system summary, you can view information about the following predefined objects:. The Server category monitors CPU and memory usage, processes, disk space usage, and critical services for the different applications on the server. The percentage of CPU equals the total time that is spent executing in all the different modes and operations excluding the Idle time. The Process monitor provides information about the processes that are running on the system.
The Disk Usage monitoring category charts the percentage of disk usage for the common and swap partitions. If more than one logical disk drive is available in your system, the system stores CTI Manager traces in the spare partition on the first logical disk and Cisco CallManager traces on the second logical disk.
The Critical Services monitoring category provides the name of the critical service, the status whether the service is up, down, activated, stopped by the administrator, starting, stopping, or in an unknown state , and the elapsed time during which the services are up and running on the system. The service currently exists in start mode, as indicated in the Critical Services pane and in Control Center in Cisco Unified Serviceability. The service currently remains stopped, as indicated in the Critical Services pane and in Control Center in Cisco Unified Serviceability.
The service stopped running unexpectedly; that is, you did not perform a task that stopped the service. The Critical Services pane indicates that the service is down. The CriticalServiceDown alert is generated when the service status equals down. You performed a task that intentionally stopped the service; for example, the service stopped because you backed up or restored your system, performed an upgrade, or stopped the service in Cisco Unified Serviceability or the CLI.
The service does not exist in a currently activated status, as indicated in the Critical Services pane and in Service Activation in Cisco Unified Serviceability. The system cannot determine the state of the service, as indicated in the Critical Services pane. RTMT contains ready-to-view, predefined performance counters. You can also select and add counters to monitor in RTMT using performance queries.
RTMT displays performance counters in chart or table format. Chart format presents a miniature window of information. You can display a particular counter by double-clicking the counter in the perfmon monitoring pane. Attributes for predefined performance counters, such as format and category, remain fixed. You can define attributes for counters that you configure in RTMT. Because chart view represents the default, you can configure the performance counters to display in table format when you create a category.
A category comprises a group of monitored performance counters. A tab in the RTMT monitoring pane contains the category name. All performance counters that are monitored in this tab belong to a category. The system polls the performance counters in the tab at the same rate, with each category configured to have its own polling rate.
You can create custom categories in the RTMT monitoring pane to view information that helps you troubleshoot specific performance, system, or device problems.
If your system is experiencing performance problems with specific objects, create custom categories to monitor the performance of the counters within the object. If the system is experiencing problems with specific devices, create custom categories to monitor the devices in your system. In addition, you can create alert notifications for counters and gateways in these custom categories. To create custom categories, you add a new category tab. When the tab is created, you specify the specific performance counters, devices, and alerts within that tab and then save your custom category by using Profile.
The application polls the counters, devices, and gateway ports to gather status information. The polling rate in each precanned monitoring window remains fixed, and the default value specifies 30 seconds. If the collecting rate for the AMC Alert Manager and Collector service parameter changes, the polling rate in the precanned window also updates.
In addition, the local time of the RTMT client application and not the backend server time, provides the basis for the time stamp in each chart. In the RTMT monitoring pane, you configure the polling intervals for the applicable performance counters, devices, and gateway ports for each category tab that you create.
High-frequency polling rate affects the performance on the server. The minimum polling rate for monitoring a performance counter in chart view is 5 seconds; the minimum rate for monitoring a performance counter in table view is 5 seconds. The default for both specifies 10 seconds. To get a closer look at perfmon counters, you can zoom in on a perfmon monitor counter in the RTMT.
To zoom in on a counter, perform one of the following tasks:. Drag the mouse over the plot area in the counter to frame the data and release the mouse button. The counter zooms in the chart. Click the counter. The counter zooms in. Double-click the counter that you want to zoom.
The box with the counter appears highlighted and the Zoom window launches. The minimum, maximum, average, and last fields show the values for the counter since the monitoring began for the counter. Click the counter to select the counter to zoom.
The box with the counter appears highlighted. The Zoom window launches. To zoom out a counter, perform one of the following actions:. The highlight feature helps to distinguish hosts and counters when multiple nodes or counters display on color-coded graphs. To highlight charts and graphs, perform one of the following tasks:.
Right-click any color code in the table below the chart in the Performance Log Viewer and choose Highlight to highlight the data series for that counter.
Right-click any color code in the table below the chart in the Performance Log Viewer and choose Change Color to select a different color for the counter. To return a highlighted item to its original appearance in the Performance Log Viewer, select another item to highlight. Counter properties allow you to display a description of the counter and configure data-sampling parameters.
The Counter Property window contains the option to configure data samples for a counter. The performance counters that display in the Unified RTMT performance monitoring pane contain green dots that represent samples of data over time. You can configure the number of data samples to collect and the number of data points to show in the chart. When you activate the Alert Notification feature, the application notifies you of system problems.
Perform the following configuration setup to activate alert notifications for a system counter:. Determine the threshold for the alert for example, an alert activates when calls in progress exceed the threshold of over calls or under 50 calls. Determine the frequency of the alert notification for example, the alert occurs once or every hour.
Determine the schedule for when the alert activates for example, on a daily basis or at certain times of the day. The Trace and Log Central feature in RTMT allows you to configure on-demand trace collection for a specific date range or an absolute time.
You can collect trace files that contain search criteria that you specify and save the trace collection criteria for later use, schedule one recurring trace collection and download the trace files to a SFTP or FTP server on your network, or collect a crash dump file. From Cisco Unified Serviceability, you can also edit the trace setting for the traces on the node that you have specified. Enabling trace settings decreases system performance; therefore, enable Trace only for troubleshooting purposes.
After you collect the files, you can view them in the appropriate viewer within the real-time monitoring tool. You can also view traces on the node without downloading the trace files by using the remote browse feature. You can open the trace files by either selecting the internal viewer that is provided with Unified RTMT or choosing an appropriate program as an external viewer.
For devices that support encryption, the SRTP keying material does not display in the trace file. The Collect Files option in Trace and Log Central collects traces for services, applications, and system logs on the server or on one or more servers in the cluster. The services that you have not activated also appear, so you can collect traces for those services. RTMT supports the throttling of critical Trace and Log Central operations and jobs, whether they are running on demand, scheduled, or automatic.
If the goal the value of the service parameter is lower than the actual value, the system displays the warning. After you log in to a server, RTMT launches the monitoring module from the local cache or from a remote server when the local cache does not contain a monitoring module that matches the back-end version. RTMT includes a default configuration that is called Default. The first time that you use RTMT, it uses the Default profile and displays the system summary page in the monitor pane.
Unified Communications Manager clusters only: Default profile also dynamically monitors all registered phones for all Unified Communications Manager servers in a cluster. If your cluster contains five configured Unified Communications Manager servers, CM-Default displays the registered phones for each server in the cluster, as well as calls in progress and active gateway ports and channels. You can configure RTMT to display the information that interests you, such as different performance counters for different features, in the monitor pane of RTMT and save the framework of your configuration in a profile.
You can then restore the profile at a later time during the same session or the next time that you log in to RTMT. By creating multiple profiles, so each profile displays unique information, you can quickly display different information by switching profiles. If you are running the RTMT client and monitoring performance counters during a Unified Communications Manager upgrade, the performance counters will not update during and after the upgrade.
Categories allow you to organize objects in RTMT, such as performance monitoring counters and devices. For example, the default category under performance monitoring, RTMT allows you to monitor six performance monitoring counters in graph format. If you want to monitor more counters, you can configure a new category and display the data in table format. If you perform various searches for devices, for example, for phones, gateways, and so on, you can create a category for each search and save the results in the category.
Changes to the profile settings for the default profile on IM and Presence Service are not transferred to Unified Communications Manager. The system generates alert messages to notify administrators when a predefined condition is met, such as when an activated service goes from up to down.
Alerts can be sent out as email or epage. Unified RTMT, which supports alert defining, setting, and viewing, contains preconfigured and user-defined alerts. Although you can perform configuration tasks for both types, you cannot delete preconfigured alerts whereas you can add and delete user-defined alerts. Alert Central: This option comprises the history and current status of every alert in the system. You can also access Alert Central by selecting the Alert Central icon in the hierarchy tree in the system drawer.
Clear Alerts: This menu category allows you to reset an alert change the color of an alert item from red to black to signal that an alert has been taken care of. After an alert has been raised, its color automatically changes to in Unified RTMT and stays that way until you manually clear the alert.
Clear All Alerts: This menu category allows you to clear all alerts. Reset all Alerts to Default Config: This menu category allows you to reset all alerts to the default configuration. Alert Detail: This menu category provides detailed information on alert events. Config Email Server: In this category, you can configure your email server to enable alerts.
Config Alert Action: This category allows you to set actions to take for specific alerts; you can configure the actions to send the alerts to desired email recipients. In Unified RTMT, you configure alert notification for perfmon counter value thresholds and set alert properties for the alert, such as the threshold, duration, frequency, and so on.
You can locate Alert Central under the Tools hierarchy tree in the quick launch. Alert Central provides both the current status and the history of all the alerts in the system. You can add and delete user-defined alerts in the performance-monitoring window; however, you cannot delete preconfigured alerts.
The following table provides a list of fields that you may use to configure each alert; users can configure preconfigured fields, unless otherwise noted.
Descriptive name. For preconfigured alerts, you cannot change this field. See topics related to Alert Central displays for a list of preconfigured alerts. You cannot edit this field for preconfigured alerts. You cannot change this field. You can associate only one instance of the performance counter with an alert. This field is applicable only for alerts based on performance counters. Condition to raise alert how long value threshold has to persist before raising alert.
Options include the system sending the alert immediately or after a specified time that the alert has persisted. Raise alert only when a configurable number of events exceeds a configurable time interval in minutes. For ExcessiveVoiceQualityReports, the default thresholds equal 10 to 60 minutes. This field is applicable only for event based alerts. This field is applicable only for non-clusterwide alerts. When you deactivate both the Cisco CallManager and Cisco TFTP services of a server, the system considers that server as removed from the currently monitored server list.
ID of alert action to take System always logs alerts no matter what the alert action. Alert action is defined first see the Alert Customization topic. A blank field indicates that e-mail is disabled. Resets alert change the color of an alert item from red to black to signal that the alert is resolved. After an alert is raised, its color automatically changes to black and remains until you manually clear the alert.
Use Clear All to clear all alerts. For ExcessiveVoiceQualityReports, RouteListExhausted, and MediaListExhausted, up to 30 current event details display in the current monitoring interval if an alert is raised in the current interval. Otherwise, the previous 30 event details in the previous interval displays. How often to generate alert when alert condition persists.
Specify every X minutes. Raise alert once every X minutes if condition persists. Specify every X minutes up to Y times. Raise alert Y times every X minutes if condition persists.
Administrator to append text on top of predefined alert text. For viewing purposes for example, show only Sev. Specify defaults that are provided for predefined for example, Error, Warning, Information alerts.
The alert log stores the alert, which is also stored in memory. The memory is cleared at a constant interval, leaving the last 30 minutes of data in the memory. When the service starts or restarts, the last 30 minutes of the alert data load into the memory by the system reading from the alert logs on the server or on all servers in the cluster if applicable.
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